Collapsed Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning (bibtex)

by Zhe Zeng and Guy Van den Broeck
Zhe Zeng and Guy Van den Broeck. Collapsed Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning, In ICML 2023 Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference & Generative Modeling, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Zeng, Zhe and Van den Broeck, Guy},
  title     = {Collapsed Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning},
  booktitle = {ICML 2023 Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference \& Generative Modeling},
  month     = {jul},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = "",
  code      = "",
  keywords  = {workshop, duplicate}
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