A Pseudo-Semantic Loss for Deep Generative Models with Logical Constraints (bibtex)

by Kareem Ahmed, Kai-Wei Chang and Guy Van den Broeck
Kareem Ahmed, Kai-Wei Chang and Guy Van den Broeck. A Pseudo-Semantic Loss for Deep Generative Models with Logical Constraints, In Knowledge and Logical Reasoning in the Era of Data-driven Learning Workshop, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Ahmed, Kareem and Chang, Kai-Wei, and Van den Broeck, Guy},
  title     = {A Pseudo-Semantic Loss for Deep Generative Models with Logical Constraints},
  booktitle = {Knowledge and Logical Reasoning in the Era of Data-driven Learning Workshop},
  month     = {jul},
  year      = {2023},
  keywords  = {workshop, duplicate}
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